Today I have a cover reveal! My lovely friend, Jameson C. Smith, wrote a novel and it is self publishing it. E-book copies will be available on February 14th. She is hoping to have paperbacks by the 21st at the latest! Here is the synopsis:
For most of her life, Katira has trained to take on the role of assassin. While it’s far from the life she would have chosen, the law known as the Inheritance Proclamation dictates that she must follow in her father’s profession. At seventeen, she’ll be expected to use her training on a real assignment any day.
When new information about an old fugitive brings questions about Kat’s past to light, she must make a choice: Prove her loyalties to the Tederan Order and their laws, or become a fugitive to search after answers she may never find.
Doesn't that sound awesome?
Here is a blurb she gave me to share with you all!
Now let's get down to reveal THE COVER!
Isn''t it lovely? I love the minimalistic feel of it!
Please please please get her book when it comes out! I know it's going to be awesome!