Sunday, May 22, 2016

Genderbent Bucky Barnes Cosplay!

Hey Everyone! *insert Spidey here*

So I found out that my dad and I are going to be able to go to a comic convention next month! We are only going for a day, not the whole weekend, so I only needed one cosplay.

I was (and am) super excited and I immediately knew who I was going to cosplay.

I am going to do a genderbent version of The Winter Soldier AKA James Buchanan Barnes AKA Bucky AKA my favourite character ever.

As soon as I knew that I was going to be able to go, that it wasn't just a "maybe", I drew what I wanted to do.

(this is technically the second draft of what I wanted to do but whateves)

Once I looked up about 17 tutorials for Bucky's arm, I decided that I was going to crochet the glove and hand. (I was already planning on doing the little glove thing he has, but I wasn't planning on doing the fingers.) Thankfully it worked out great and was quite easy!

 (I crocheted a fingerless glove, making holes for the thumb area and the space in the middle. After crocheting up the space in the middle, I did the thumb and the fingers. It's a snug fit but I think that that will be good.)

My mom took me that night and we got the things that I needed. (except I forgot the glue, which was highly necessary, of course). First thing that I made was the skirt.

(You can't see it (going to make sure you can when I go to the con), but there is red tulle underneath.)

Using this tutorial (with a small bit of altering) Bucky's mask was made. 

Instead of using pleather I used leftover fabric from my skirt and instead of velcro I used elastic (To keep it on my head).

I found a leather jacket at goodwill (you'll be able to see it in the final picture) and cut off the left sleeve. I also found a wide belt there, where I'm going to have a holster for a foam knife and possibly a gun though I might find a way to put it on my back.

The arm wasn't challenging once I figured out how in the world I was going to make this thing.

First I made a 'cast' of my arm so I'd have a form to work on when I was attaching the foam to my arm. I used plastic wrap and tape and stuffed it with grocery bags (tape off the top but not the bottom). Then I slipped it on a paper towel holder to hold it up while I was working on it. I used craft foam from walmart (about 4 sheets all together (I used it for the arm and the mask)) to make the metal strip-things. Worbla would work well but it is somewhat expensive. I began using E6000 to glue it on. Don't use this. I am planning on taking it to the con for repairs but other than that I won't use it. It does not stick well if you're doing it on a sleeve like I did; not sure about other mediums. We went and bought Gorilla Glue sticks (the kind you put in your hot glue gun) and that worked great. Make sure you leave a small space on the inside and outside of your elbow so you can bend your arm. After glueing everything on I used Rust-Oleum metallic silver spray paint- about 3 coats. I then used a gloss top coat but I would not recommend using that.

I'm super happy with how everything turned out! (I may have almost cried when I finished it...) Especially since this is my first time making a costume (and going to a con. :)

Here is the (mostly) finished product. I don't have the props yet and the star was not painted on at this point.

and here's a random picture with the star. *jazz hands*

I hope you enjoyed, sorry for the long post! :p


Edit: made and painted a foam knife but I haven't found a play gun to paint for a reasonable price. Grrrr. 


  1. DUUUUDDEEE! That is sooooooo cool! Like seriously! :O
    Great job!!! That arm is awesome! And the fact that you know how to crochet is cool too! My grandma taught me when I was little and I was pretty good at it, but I haven't done it since I was like 7 x"D
    I also have no sewing or costume making skillz, so I admire all that you did!
    I'd love to cosplay at a con but alas, I have no money and no costume skillz. I'd have to buy one XD Which goes back to the no money bit XP
    Also, is that an engagement ring I see? Or just fashion? XD If you are, gurl, I'm so happy for you! ^_^

    1. Thank you so much! :D

      The costume actually didn't cost very much. Goodwill and Walmart for the win XD

      Actually it's a purity ring. :) Don't feel weird for asking that, though, because people ask me about it a lot. :) :p

    2. Ooooh! I like thrifting! XD
      And, gurl, I'm proud of you! I'm really not one for jewelry, I don't know the last time I wore an jewelry... but I feel like if I was I'd have one too! Cause I aint doing nothing until I'm married and God has shown me who is right for me XD

  2. OH MY GOODNESS. I. LOVE. IT. GAAAH. AND YOU LOOK ADORABLE IN IT. Good job!! You're so talented and artsy. xD (ALSO BUCKY IN CIVIL WAR *screaming*) I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOUUU. We had a Comic Con of sorts here recently, but I wasn't able to go because I had a driving class (*cri*). Anywho, I hope you have lots and lots of fun! :D

  3. This is so cute! I can tell you've worked really hard on your costume. Be sure and post a ton of pictures from the comic convention! :D

  4. This is so cute! I can tell you've worked really hard on your costume. Be sure and post a ton of pictures from the comic convention! :D
