Monday, October 10, 2016

Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys Review

  One statement before I start: I. LOVED. THIS. BOOK. So my review may be a little biased towards the good in the story.

(Disclaimer: Apologies if I spell any names wrong, I listened to it on audiobook)

*The Characters. Asdfghjkl all of the characters (excluding for Alfred) grew on me throughout the story. Joana + Florian= OTP. They're absolutely adorable. Emelie's storyline was so incredibly sad. I had so much compassion for her, that poor girl. I have no clue how to spell her daughter's name (I listened to an audiobook) but how sacrificial she was for her was heartbreaking in a good way. I loved the somewhat minor characters Eva (I love how she said sorry after or before every 'offensive' thing), the Shoe Poet, Ingrid, and the orphan boy.

*The Storyline. It makes me sad that the core storyline (not the characters obviously) actually happened. This story really opened my eyes to WWII.

*Alfred?? It's not his character itself that got him a place on the pro-and-con list. It is totally for Ms. Sepetys. The way he saw things, the thoughts he had, the general distaste for most of humanity..She wrote him in a way that made me absolutely sick. I applaud you, Ms. Sepetys.


*Alfred?? She made me detest him. His thoughts/though process is, again, absolutely sick. (to the people who haven't read this book yet: 1. GO READ IT NOW PLEASE and 2. He's a Nazi.)

*The Writing. Well, some of the writing. For the most part, I liked it, but some of the sentences seemed a tad awkward.

I know this seems like an extremely short and kind of vague list but I can't put in to words how much I loved it. All I can tell you is please go read this. (There is some slightly gory stuff towards the end, comment if you would like specifics. I did not think that it was too bad though.)

I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars.


1 comment:

  1. I've been meaning to try audio books, but I hate making accounts, so I'll probably never get Audible x"D But things about WW2 always get me. I find it horrible, what all happened, and to think that it also basically happens today, in the Middle East, but no one really talks about it. To this day, people are killed for being different and not being what another group wants them to be. Its truly sad :(
